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Structural Audit, Assessment and Retrofitting1. Introduction From the basic principles of Building Design, all buidings must be designed to satisfy the following requirements:
1. Safety Buildings must be safe to use and designed to prevent accident and loss of life
2. Strength
Buildings must be able to resist design load without giving excessive
displacement, cracking, or collapse
3. Serviceability Buildings must be able to function and be used with acceptable displacement and vibration
Typical steel and concrete buildings were designed for a usage life of 20 to 50 years. Along these years, building strength can deteriorate due to weather condition, concrete strength reduction, shrinkage and creep of concrete, rebar and steel corrosion, permanent deflection due to excessive load, change of room function and loading, foundation settlement, and other factors.
After 10-20 years, shallow and deep foundation on clay soil layer, will reach their maximum settlement, which can be more than the allowable settlement of 25mm. This large settlement will also affect the strength and serviceability of the building.
Steel structures can experience corrosion, especially in tropical and high humidity weather, and even worse in steel structure directly exposed to weather and rain because of the leakage of roof. Corrosion can reduce steel thickness significantly, thus reducing the strength, and also affect the tightness and strength of bolt connection. If the corrosion effect combined with the effect of wind vibration, bolt connection can loss the torque needed to hold the steel structure together.
Concrete structures can experience strength reduction due to the deterioration of concrete surface by weather, shrinkage and creep of concrete, and rebar corrosion caused by the water entering the concrete through the crack of concrete.
In the life of the structure, sometimes there will be change of room or building function, causing the change of intensity and distribution of floor loading, and even addition of mezzanine floor. If the final load is larger than the initial designed load, at any part or all part of the building, it will affect the strength, safety and serviceability of the building.
Every 3- to 10 years, new building codes also released, to accommodate new earthquake data, and new research findings and new material and construction technology available. If any design load or design procedures changed significantly, all existing structures must be re-evaluated accordingly. Because of above factors, government building regulation requires that a building must be inspected or assessed every 5 years to detect any deterioration or reduction of strength due to one or above factors.
Most buildings at Indocement Factory were built in 1980s, and some buildings may have experienced change of function, loading, and also settlement. In this case, an assessment will be conducted to existing buildings to check the condition and design for retrofitting or strengthening works if necessary.
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1. Audit Pabrik Nikomas Tangerang Nikomas 2015 Audit Perkuatan (32 lokasi gedung)
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4. Audit Prodia Surabaya Surabaya Prodia 2013 Audit Getaran
5. Audit Adira Finance Jakarta Adira 2013 Perkuatan dan renovasi
6. Audit Pabrik Rambang Palembang Rambang 2013 Perkuatan dan renovasi
7. Audit Gedung Avia Tour Jakarta Avia Tour 2013 Perkuatan
8. Audit Kantor Avia Hayam Wuruk Jakarta Avia 2013 Perkuatan
9. Audit Gereja Pluit Jakarta GYK 2013 Perkuatan dan renovasi
10. Audit BCA KCU 10 Kota Indonesia BCA 2012 Perkuatan dan renovasi
11. Audit BCA KCU 12 Kota Indonesia BCA 2011 Perkuatan dan renovasi
12. Wisma Sukma Indah Padang Keuskupan 2011 Perkuatan dan renovasi
13. Factory Warehouse Bukit Indah City 2011 Perkuatan
14. BCA Moh Toha Bandung PT BCA 2011 Retrofitting
15. Coal Mine Bridge Kalsel Coal Mine 2008 50m
16. Mesjid Agung Ternate Ternate Pemda 2008 30m (perkuatan)
17. Hotel JW Marriott Medan JW Marriott 2008 35 floors (perkuatan)
18. Braga City Walk Bandung Carrefour 2007 6 floors (tambah floor)
19. Menara TV7 318m Jakarta TV7 2006 Evaluation (rubuh)
20. RRI Bandung Bandung RRI 2006 4 floors
21. Gedung GRII Tangerang GRII 2003 3-4 floors
22. Gedung BSS Tangerang BSS 2003 6 floors (kebakaran)
23. Gedung Astra Agro Bekasi Astra 2003 5 floors (melendut)
24. Madrasa IT Al Mutaqin, Muara Karang
25. Audit Pabrik KMK (Converse), Kebakaran, 2015
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